This option allows the user to store versions of the Risk Analysis defined in the section ‘Analysis/Risk Analysis’.
When you accede to the section, you can view a bar graph which shows the number of threats by risk levels (Very high, high, medium, low, and very low). This option allows you to view the evolution of the different analysis performed by the organization and for verifying graphically the trend to be achieved with the realization of the analysis.
The table located in the lower side allows you to perform the following actions:
New: It allows you to create a new version of the risk analysis. For this task you have to click on the button ‘New’ which generates a new entry in the table.
Remove: It allows you to remove a version. For this task you have to select the row or rows and click on the button ‘Remove’.
Download: You can download the list of the versions in an editable format (.xlsx) or in PDF.
When you click on the link of the lower table, it’s shown the specific information of the risk analysis in the right moment of the creation of the version.
NOTE: The information which is shown in this option (versions) such as General Information, Asset Inventory, Risk Analysis, Cost Analysis, etc. it has been developed in each specific section of the manual.