Graph of Related Analysis
This option will only be available if you have the visibility check activated in the section 'Administration/Methodology Analysis' for Map of Related Risks.

This option shows graphically the dependency relation among the different items which are defined in the section ‘Analysis/Item Inventory’.
Once selected the item GlobalSUITE displays two lists with the following information:
Threats: It shows the list of proprietary threats of the item. The colors indicate the risk level of the threat.
NOTE: The colors associated with the risk level can be parameterized in the section ‘Administration’.
Produced Threats: It shows the list of threats of those items which depends on the item. The colors indicate the risk level of the threat.
NOTE: The colors associated with the risk level can be parameterized in the section ‘Administration’.
These are the options which GlobalSUITE allows you to perform:
Show: It allows you to filter the list of items and show the items by services.
Filter: It allows you to do a filter of the items by levels.
Sort: It offers the possibility of ordering the graph automatically or manually:
Automatic: When you move each one of the nodes on the screen, the graph will tend to joint it in the center automatically.
Manual: When you move each one of the nodes on the screen, these nodes will remain fixed in the position marked.
Export Graph: It allows you to download the graph of dependencies in PNG format.