Project Management
The option ‘Project Management’ of GlobalSUITE allows the user to manager the progress in the implementation of a specific project. For associating a project to one company you have to select it in the section ‘My company/Project Management’.

Once defined the Project, these are the options which appear at the beginning:
New: It allows you to insert different versions to the project when you select the first row of the table.
Remove: It allows you to remove different versions and tasks of the project. For this task you have to select the row or rows and click on the button ‘Remove’.
Complete: It allows you to define when the task has been completed.
Create version: It allows you to create a record with the project progress at the moment of its creation.
Open versions: It offers the possibility of opening the project versions which are stored.
Download: It allows you to download the project in editable format (.docx)
Show graphs: It offers the possibility of viewing different aspects of the Project graphically, as it’s shown in the following image:

Percentage: It shows the percentage of the progress with respect to the task completion.
The table of the project has a set of links for its correct management:
Name: It identifies the name of different tasks. The first level identifies the name of the project and the rest of levels, which have the possibility of unlimited hosting, and the established tasks for completing the project.
Type: It identifies the typology of the generated task.
Supervisors: It shows the supervisor assigned for the task implementation.
Remaining days: Identifica los días que faltan para que la tarea se ejecute en los tiempos definidos. El calculo se realiza en base a los valores fecha inicio/fin.
Starting date: It shows the starting date of the task.
Completion Date: It shows the completion date of the task.
NOTE:Each one of the tasks is customizable if you click on the name.
Project(First level): If we click on the project name, it shows a form on which we can define the following points:
Project Data

It offers the possibility of establishing the name of the project as well as the start date and completion date. These dates will serve to calculate all tasks defined.

This section allows you to define the costs associated with the project, and you can define the following parameters:
Budget: You define the budget associated with the project.
Estimated Cost/Consultant: It offers the possibility of defining the cost of the consultant team associated with the project, you can define the costs/hour and the estimated work hours and GlobalSUITE calculates automatically the Cost/Day and the Consultant project.
Estimated Costs: It allows you to define the cost typologies which are defined in the option 'Administration/Projects', the economic sum which supposes in the project.
Planning overview: It offers a summary of the information identified in this section, and it stands out the benefits and losses of the project.

This option shows a detailed overview of the information which has been defined in the previous section, and it stands out the benefits or losses of the project.

It shows centrally the hours spent and the expenses associated of the tasks which have been entered to the Consultant.
Tasks (Levels):' When you click on a task, these are the options you can modify:
Task Data

Name: It allows you to modify the task name.
Completed: This option indicates if the task has been completed or not.
Description: It allows you to carry out a deeper description of the task.
Application date: It offers the possibility of defining the date on which it is requested that the task must be completed.
Scheduled Starting Date: It allows you to define the Scheduled Starting Date of the task.
Scheduled End: It allows you to define the Scheduled End of the task.
Real Starting Date: It defines the real starting date of the task.
Real Completing Date: It establishes the Real Completing Date of the task.
Type: It indicate the typology of the task.
Priority: It allows you to assign a priority based on the statuses defined in ‘Administration/Configuration’.
Status: It allows you to assign a status based on the fields defined in ‘Administration/Configuration’.
% Progress: It allows you to assign the percentage of progress of the task. Based on the percentages defined in ‘Administration/Configuration’ the total progress will be modified.

This section allows you to indicate the users which are in charge of carrying out the task. You can differentiate among the following charges:
Company supervisor It offers the possibility of identifying who will be the company supervisor for the defined task. For this task you have to click on the button 'Associate Employee' and once selected, you have to click on the button 'Load Roles/Employees'.
Consultant supervisor It offers the possiblity of defining the consultan supervisor for the defined task. For this task you have to select one resource of the drop down menu and click on the button 'Add'. In case you want to remove a resource associated with a task, you have to select the row and click on the button 'Remove'.
NOTE: The consultant supervisors have been defined in the section 'Administration/Associated Consultants'.

This section offers the possibility of identifying and associating documentation related with the task to carry out. For this task, you have to click on the button 'Add' and it generates a new entry in the table. For modifying the document name, you should click twice on the specific cell. In case you want to remove a document, you have to select the row and click on the button 'Remove'.
Follow up

This option enters the following concepts in the task you have selected.
Periods: It allows you to enter the periods you have dedicated to the realization of the task and you can define the name of the concept, the associated typology, the associated consultant, and comments.
Costs: It offers the possibility of entering the costs associated with the task, and defining the concept name, the typology, the economic sum and comments.
NOTE: The periods and costs associated with a task will be shown in the Project Section (First level).