SLA’s Management
The management of the SLA allows you to define the level agreements of service that offer to the clients inside the scope.
The initial table shows the different SLAs defined by the organization, specifying among other fields the date of the start-up, the associated services and a brief description of the SLA and its assessments

The table of the SLA allows you to do the following actions:
Add: It allows you to create a new SLA.
Remove: It allows you to remove a SLA which it has already created, and you have to select the desired row or row and click on the button ‘Remove’.
Copy SLA: It enables to copy the SLAs which they have already existed. These SLA will contain the same values in all the fields (except for the associated service which it has to be defined inside the form.
Download: It enables to download the list of the SLA in an editable format (.XLS) and in PDF format
Clicking on the ‘Assessments’ icon we will access to a form which allows you to establish the following parameters.
SLA assessments

The table of ‘Assessments’ shows briefly the conclusions reached the management system about the compliance of the SLA. To do an assessment you have to click on the button ‘Add’ and a new line will be created where you could establish the assessment date and the conclusions. In case you want to remove an assessment, you have to select the desired line or lines and click on the button ‘Remove’
Associated Indicator
The field ‘indicator’ shows those indicators which have been associated for carrying out a better assessment of the SLA. To associate indicators you have to accede to the SLA form (developed below).

The field ‘Assessment’ allows you to define the results of the assessment precisely. You have to select the row in the section ‘SLA assessments’ and complete the following fields:

Results: It allows you to establish different assessments about a SLA. You have to click on the button ‘Add’ and it will generate a row which allows you to identify if it has complied or not the SLA, identify the grade of compliance, comments about the SLA and associate to the clients, those clients which the SLA provided the agreement of level of service in ‘Select customers’.
In this case it will open an emergent screen with the customers defined in the options ‘Business Relations’ that have the service of the SLA to select them. When the desired clients are marked, you have to click on ‘Save Changes’.
To remove one assessment, you have to select the desired row and click on the button ‘Remove’.
Outputs: If the results of the assessment are not expected for the user, the field ‘Outputs’ enables to open different tickets (incident, corrective action, etc.) which manages the compliance of the SLA. You have to select the type of the ticket in the drop down list and click on the button ‘Add’. This action creates automatically one ticket in the Management section. To remove the ticket, you have to select the desired row and click on the button ‘Remove’.
It’s possible that the user wants to manage the compliance through a ticket already opened. In that case you have to click on the button ‘Examine’, this button opens a list with all the tickets opened in the section ‘Management’..

When you accede to the form of the SLA, you can do the following actions:
Save: It allows you to save the changes made in the form
Back: The program returns to the previous screen with the list of the SLA.
Assess SLA: It allows you to do an assessment of the SLA with the methodology developed in the section ‘Assessments’.

The fields which appear in the form are the following ones:
Name of the SLA. It indicates the descriptive name of the SLA which is the list.
Service. In This field appears a drop down with all the defined services in the system, you can select a service which will be associated with the SLA
Description. It allows you to do any specific annotation of the SLA.
Starting Date. The date from which the SLA is in force and it’s applicable to the service.
Critical Periods for the Business. It allows you to indicate if it exists a period more sensible in the compliance of the SLA due to its specifications and therefore its compliance can be affected.
Term assessment of SLA. It allows you to establish the period when the SLA must be assessed.
Planned interruptions. It enables to indicate if there is any interruption planned in the service which it will not be taken in account in the assessment of the SLA.
Guidelines on impacts & priorities. It allows you to define if there are priorities when you carry out actions which decrease the impact of non-compliance of the SLA.
Level of Service Calculation. It enables to establish how could be calculated the service offered
Lower limit. It specifies what the lower limit is in the level of the service offered and it also specifies the SLA.
Upper limit. It specifies the Upper limit of the level of the service which offered the SLA.
Exceptions to the terms of the SLA. It allows you to specify if there is a circumstance that doesn’t cover the defined SLA.
Indicators associated with. This table allows you to associate indicators that have been defined in the section ‘ScoreCard/Indicators for facilitating the assessment of the SLA.
To do this, you have to select an indicator in the drop down tab and click on the button ‘Add’. In case you want to remove an indicator already associated, select the desired row and click on the button ‘Remove’.