Roles Management
GlobalSUITE allows you to associate to the employees involved in the system management different existing roles in the company.

To carry out this operation it's necessary to check the left column of the role or roles and the left column of the employee or employees. In this way a multiple association is allowed. If you want to detach an employee to a specific role, you have to select the employee's row by clicking on the row and using the Disassociate button.
NOTE: The 'Disassociate option' is blocked for users with the following profiles: 'Enterprise' and 'Entity'
GlobalSUITE allows you to create users in this section when you click on the button ‘New’ in the top part of the right column. This action generates a screen on which you can define data such as Name, Email and Role.

On the other hand, clicking with the right button on the columns, you can view/hide informative fields such as User, Role, Area/Department and Email.