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GlobalSUITE is the integral solution of Management Systems that allows you to implement, to manage and to maintain specific systems or integrate them with other systems easily. GlobalSUITE integrates multiple solutions for managing Management systems in the organizations globally:

  • GlobalSUITE - Information Security: allows your company to cover the complete cycle of analysis, implementation, management and maintenance of the standard ISO 27001.

  • GlobalSUITE - Business Continuity: allows the implementation, management, maintenance and deployment of Business Continuity Management Systems (BCMS) based on the standard ISO 22301.

  • GlobalSUITE - Service Management: facilitates the implementation of IT Management Systems based on the regulation ISO 20000 and carrying out an appropriate management of all the processes to achieve that the company services will be competitive in the markets.

  • GlobalSUITE - Critical Infrastructures Protection: allows the implementation of a Management System for the Critical infrastructures protection.

  • GlobalSUITE - Risk Management: allows you to analyze & manage different risks (financial, legal, operational, etc.) with any methodology of analysis and customizing the catalog of threats, vulnerabilities and associated controls.

  • GlobalSUITE - Esquema Nacional de Seguridad: helps in the implementation & maintenance of the Esquema Nacional de Seguridad (ENS) and covering the complete cycle of analysis, implementation, management & maintenance of the standard ISO 27001.

  • GlobalSUITE - Balanced ScoreCard: allows the implementation & maintenance of the Integral Control Panel that facilitates the maintenance of any management system (9001, 14001, 27001, etc.).

  • GlobalSUITE - Compliance: parameterizes legal frameworks, establishes plans, determines priorities in the actions, and elaborates immediately suitable plans needed with an automatized process.

  • GlobalSUITE - Data Protection (GDPR): allows that private companies and public administrations could be adapted to the General Data Protection Regulation.

  • GlobalSUITE - Management System: facilitates the implementation and maintenance of any management system based on the PDCA cycle. It has different modules for the incidents management, audits, training & continuous improvement (ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, etc.).

The flexibility of GlobalSUITE® is one of the best characteristics of the platform, and it also allows to the users of the application counting with versatile & adaptable software in any type of the organization.

Our Global solutions are destined to companies that want to implement one or several management systems, as well as consultancy companies or project managers that want to offer an easy & integrated system for implementing and maintaining its management systems to their companies.

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