Organizational Structure

This option allows you to define the departmental organization charts. The information shown in the columns of the table is as follows:
Structure: It Ddsplays the name and dependency tree of the different divisions/areas/departments (as it is called in each organization) defined in the organization.
Supervisor: It shows the people in charge of the organization of each of the departments or areas defined in the structure
Description: It displays a more detailed description of the function or purpose of each department or area of the organizational structure.
These are the options that can be performed on the table:
New: It allows you to insert a new entry in the table. To generate the dependencies, you must select the required row and click on the 'New' button, which will generate a new entry in the lower level.
NOTE: You can only generate as many levels/dependencies as they are defined in the 'Administration/Configuration/General' option.
Remove: It offers the possibility to remove an entry from the table. To do this, select the desired row and click on the 'Remove' button
Change Dependent Level: It allows you to modify the dependence of an area/particular department, placing it elsewhere within the organizational structure. To do this, you have to select the level that you want to modify and click on the 'Change Dependent Level' button. Subsequently a window is displayed that allows you to define the new level where the area/department will be located, as it’s shown in the following image.

Associate Supervisor: It allows to define the supervisor of an area or department. To do this, select the desired row and click on the button 'Associate Supervisor', showing a window with the list of employees registered in GlobalSUITE. In this window you have to select the corresponding employees and click on the button 'Associate Employees'.
Change Level of Supervisor: It allows you to modify the order of responsibility of the employees assigned to an area/department. To do this, you have to select the level that you want to modify and click on the 'Change Level of Supervisor' button. After that, a window is displayed that allows to define the new order of each one of the supervisor using the buttons 'Move Up' and 'Move down', that allow to move the supervisors within the table.

Download: You can download the organizational structure in editable format (xlsx) or PDF format.
Expand: It allows you to expand all the organizational structure.
Collapse:It allows you to collapse the organizational structure to the higher level options.