Disaster Scenarios
This option allows the user to establish possible emergency situations on which it’s necessary to activate the Continuity Plan.
The user can identify in the main screen the situations on which the service of the organization could be affected.
Inside each one of the scenarios, GlobalSUITE will allow the user to establish information which is necessary. This information is organized by the following sections:
General Data
Name: It establishes the name of the emergency scenario.
Description: You can include any additional information which will be necessary for defining the scenario adequately.
Consolidated Resources
The user can define in this section all those resources which are necessary in case it will be an event in the scenario.
The resources have been defined previously in the option ‘Consolidated Resources’.
Related Assets
The user can define all those processes which are affected in case of an event of the scenario. Meantime, it’s possible to determine all those assets associated with the processes that are also affected in the event of a crisis of the scenario.
Assets/Threats to manage
This section shows the assets and threats associated with the scenario which have a risk level above the acceptable risk level. This list also includes the list of threats of selected processes, as well as selected assets and associated with the processes. In the same way, it’s possible to identify the category, the acceptable risk level approved by the organization, as well as the risk level of the threats associated with each one of the assets.
It can also evince those threats which have not been associated with any scenario, and identified through the associated columns in red, as it indicates the header of the current section.
All those threats associated with the scenario will be marked in the associated column. The rest of the columns, which are not taken in account, won’t be marked, and they will be identified in red those threats that don’t belong to the scenarios or the threats that are not taken in account.
By default GlobalSUITE only shows those threats which overcome the Acceptable Risk Level (ARL), but it’s possible to show all the threats through the dropdown menu: ‘Show’; and clicking on the option ‘Show all’.
NOTE: This option is only available for the licences of GlobalSUITE - Business Continuity.