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Crisis Control Panel

This screen displays a dashboard that allows you to view the main Crisis Management information.

  • Impacts & levels

This table displays the different impacts of crisis management and its level.

  • Disruptive Events

This table displays the disruptive crisis management events organized by states and by types of impact. This graphic is interactive, and clicking on one of the bars GlobalSUITE opens a window with specific information to those events.

  • Resolutive actions

This table displays the crisis management actions organized by states and by types of impact. This graphic is interactive, and clicking on one of the bars GlobalSUITE opens a window with information specific to those actions.

  • Decision-making Committee

This table displays the information of the members of the decision committee that is managing the crisis.

  • Services/Processes

This table displays the services and processes affected by the crisis management.

  • Stakeholders/Suppliers

This table displays the clients / stakeholders and suppliers who are being affected by crisis management.

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