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This option allows you to establish the Continuity Plan in the platform.

You can identify in the main screen all those continuity plans which have been defined.

  • New: It allows you to generate a new Continuity Plan

  • Remove: It allows you to remove one of the Continuity Plans which have been defined.

  • Download: It allows you to obtain a list of all those Continuity plans defined.

General Data

This part of the Continuity Plan allows you to establish all those general data which are needed for a perfect adequacy of the plan.

These are the options provided by GlobalSUITE:

  • Date: It establishes the date on which the Continuity Plan is defined.

  • Name: It allows you to define the specific name of the Continuity Plan.

  • Description: It allows you to indicate on which the Plan consists

  • Emergency contacts: It establishes all those contacts which can be necessary in case of an emergency situation.

  • Emergency Planning Team: It allows you to indicate which people will manage the emergencies.

  • Coordination with other companies: It allows you to establish the employee who will manage the actions with other businesses.

  • Services involved in the plan: It establishes the services which the Continuity Plan covers

  • Review Frequency: It establishes the frequency on which the Continuity Plan will be checked.

Alternative Data Facility

In this option, GlobalSUITE allows you to establish the data which are needed for defining perfectly the alternative center in case a critical incident happened.

The solution provides the following fields for defining the alternative center:

  • Name: It allows you to establish the name of the alternative center.

  • Address: It allows you to indicate the address where the alternative center is located.

  • City:It indicates the city where the alternative center is located.

  • Contact: It allows you to define the contact person who will manage any action according to the alternative center.

  • E-mail: It allows you to indicate the e-mail of the contact person.

  • Telephone: It establishes the telephone where you will manage any action according to the alternative center.

  • Fax: It allows you to indicate the fax where you can manage any action according to the alternative center.

  • Description: It allows you to establish any information which can be interesting according to the alternative center.

  • Other Alternative Facilities: It allows you to indicate other alternative facilities.

Crisis Management Supervisor

This option allows you to define the data which are needed for determining all the contact information of the crisis supervisor.

  • Name: It allows you to indicate the name of the person which is in charge of managing the crisis.

  • Telephone: It allows you to define the contact phone in the event of a crisis.

  • E-mail: It allows you to define the e-mail contact in the event of a crisis.

  • Address: It allows you to indicate the address on which you could find the person in charge of managing the crisis.

  • Comment: It allows you to establish any type of information or comment for contacting with the person in charge of managing the crisis.

  • Alternative Contacts: It will define all those available & alternative contacts of the person in charge.

  • Address: It allows you to indicate the address on which you could find the person in charge of managing the crisis.

Evacuation Plan of the Facilities in the event of an Emergency

The options, which are presented by the Evacuation Plan of the Facilities in the event of an Emergency, allow you to establish all the information that determines the characteristics of the complements of the plans.

GlobalSUITE provides the following options for determining the Evacuation Plan:

  • Supervisor: This is the person in charge of managing the evacuation plan.

  • Test frequency: It allows you to establish the frequency on which the evacuation tests will be performed.

  • Emergency exits: It allows you to establish where the emergency exits are located and the conditions of the emergency exits.

  • Alarm Systems: It allows you to indicate the alarm systems which you have and the conditions of the systems.

  • Evacuation procedure: It allows you make a reference to the procedure for the evacuation or for defining how to act in this case.

  • Alternative Meeting point: It defines the meeting place on which the people will meet in the event of an evacuation.

Business Processes to recover

This option allows you to define the processes to recover as well as the maximum time of recovery.

  • New: It allows you to generate all those processes which must be recovered.

  • Remove: You can remove all the processes generated.

Once generated the processes to recover, GlobalSUITE allows you to define the following fields:

  • Process name: It allows you to indicate the process to recover.

  • Description: It allows you to detail any information which you consider necessary for a perfect definition of the process.

  • Maximum time of recovery: It establish the maximum time for recovering a specific process.


When you click on this option, it appears a message which redirects you to the option: ‘Suppliers’.


This option allows you to make a reference to all the information needed for a perfect management of any backup copy when this copy will be necessary in the event of an emergency.

The following fields are provided by GlobalSUITE for performing the register of all the information which is needed for managing the backup copies in the event of a disaster.

  • Process Management Supervisor: It allows you to establish the person in charge for managing the process of the backup.

  • Backup policy: It allows you to indicate or to make a reference of the policy of the backup copies

  • Storage location of the Backups: It allows you to indicate the place where the backups are located.

  • Replica of the backups storage: It allows you to indicate the place where are located the replicas of the backups.

  • Information Recovery Process: You can establish or make a reference to how to proceed with respect to the information.

Template of Action Plans for incidents

It allows you to establish several action plans where will be defined the steps to follow in the event of a disaster.

GlobalSUITE allows:

  • New: You can generate those models of actions for acting against the incidents or emergencies.

  • Remove: It allows you to remove the action plans previously generated.

For acceding to each one of the Action Plans defined, it’s necessary to click on the name of the model. Once acceded, GlobalSUITE presents the following options which allow you to define each one of the Action Plans.

  • Model name: It allows you to detail the name of the set of tasks defined for the restoration.

  • Incident: It allows you to establish the causes which have started the realization of the restoration actions.

  • Involved Business Processes: It allows you to establish those business processes which can be recovered in the event of the model activation.

  • Interruption window: It establishes the maximum time of recovery.

  • Actions for carrying out, prioritized by criticality: It allows you to establish those tasks which are necessary for carrying out the restoration against an emergency.

1st NOTE : For adding any type of business process which could be restored through the model, they must be defined previously in the option: Business Processes.

2nd NOTE : This option (Continuity) presented before it corresponds with the licenses: GlobalSGSI, Global20000 and GlobalSGPIC. This option will not be available for the rest of licenses.

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