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Skills & Functions

Roles & Responsabilities

The option of ‘Roles & Responsibilities’ is designed for the management of the regulation ISO 20000. In this option it’s possible to associate roles & employees which intervene in the management of the 13 procedures defined in the Regulation for each service included inside the scope.

To associate the supervisors and employees of each one of the processes you have to click two times on the cell and select the role or employee in the drop down.

NOTE: The services are defined in the section ‘Start up/Services Catalog'

Roles & Competencies

This option allows the document management system to define the competencies which possess each one of the defined roles.

To carry out this operation it's necessary to check the left column of the role or roles and the left column of the competency or competencies. In this way a multiple association is allowed. If you want to detach a competency to a specific role, you have to select the competency's row by clicking on the row and using the Disassociate button.

NOTE: The competencies are established in the section of competencies. If you want to add a new competency you have to click on the button ‘Add’. In case you want to remove any competency already defined, you have to select the competency and click on the button ‘Remove’.

Features & obligations

These options allows your company to identify different management features & management obligations which you can associate with several roles previously defined.

To carry out this operation it's necessary to check the left column of the role or roles and the left column of the feature/obligations or features/obligations. In this way a multiple association is allowed. If you want to detach a feature/obligation to a specific role, you have to select the feature/obligation row by clicking on the row and using the Disassociate button.

NOTE: The features & obligations are establised in the tab. If you want to add a new feature or obligation you have to click on the button 'New'. In case you wish to remove one feature or obligation, you must select it and click on the button 'Remove'.

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