Calculate RTO y RPO
RTO Calculation
The RTO (Recovery Time Object) tab allows you to identify the maximum time on which the resources (technical and human) needed to support the services and processes must be at a minimum level of recovery.

The RTO calculation is shown in a table format with the following information:
Tree: It shows the list of dependent Services and Processes which have been defined. The list can be expanded or collapsed with the buttons located in the headboard of the table.
The services are defined in the section ‘Start up/ Catalog of Services’ and the processes in ‘Start up/Business Processes’.
Type: It indicates the typology of the phase and this typology can be a service or a business process.
Dependent Process: It shows the degree of dependency among the business processes and the service.
The degree of dependency is established in the tree of processes of the section ‘Start up/Business Processes’
Degree of confidence: It indicates the degree of confidence granted to the own MTPD and obtained automatically.
Own MTPD: It shows the value of the own MTPD of the service or process
The own MTPD of the services come from the section ‘Start up/Consolidated Pre-BIAS and the own MTPD of the processes of the section ‘Analysis/Consolidated BIAS’.
Inherited MTPD:Muestra el valor del MTPD de los activos inferiores, es decir si un proceso o sub-proceso dispone de activos inferiores en el árbol de dependencias y estos disponen de MTPD, el MTPD heredado será el menor de todos los MTPD’s de estos activos.
RTO: It allows you to define the time scale for the recovery of the resources needed to support the service or business process. For this task you have to click twice on the cell and define the values desired.
NOTE: In order the RTO will be valid, the time scale must be less or equal to the value of your own MTPD.
RPO Calculation
The RPO (Recovery Point Objetive) tab allows you to define the time scale of information which the company can afford to lose without negatively circumstances for the business. In other words, the RPO determines the frequency which the data must been saved for all the business processes.

The table of RPO calculation only shows the information assets which have been valuated in the section ‘Analysis/Assets Inventory’, allowing the following actions:
New: It allows you to include a new asset in the table. This asset will appear in the section ‘Analysis/Assets inventory’.
Remove: It allows you to remove an asset of information already defined. For this task you have to select the row or rows and click on the button ‘Remove’
NOTE: When you remove an asset of information of the RPO Calculation tab, it will be removed automatically of the Assets inventory and all its valuations will be lost.
Dependencies: It shows the dependencies tree of the asset.
The dependencies tree can be defined in the section ‘Analysis/Assets Inventory’.

Download: It enables you the possibility to download the list of assets and the RPO calculation in an editable format (.xlsx) or in PDF.
The tab of the RPO calculation shows the following information for each one of the assets:
Information Asset: It shows the name on which the asset of the information category has been identified.
RPO: It allows you to define the time scale which the company can afford to lose without negatively affecting the business. For this task, you have to click twice on the cells and define the values desired.
Justificación:This field text enables you to describe fully the RPO defined for each one of the information assets.
Note: The user additionally can define the information that he want to view of the RPO tab. It has to click on the right button on the line which shows the columns title, and there will appear a list which allows you to select the dimensions for inserting in the table.