This option allows you to establish the audit program which are going to be performed, the audits already performed as well as all those points of the Management System which will be audited and the audit report generated.
GlobalSUITE identifies all the information of the audits in the main screen of this option (the audits which have been performed or planned for the future).

Moreover, you can identify the audits previously mentioned. It has a set of options which are identified below:
Controls: This dropdown menu shows all those management systems which are maintained with GlobalSUITE. This way of work allows you to determine automatically those points demanded for the compliance of the standard on which the audit is performed.
Add: It allows you to generate a new audit for defining all the information of each one of them.
Remove: It removes the audit plans already defined.
Generate Report: This option generates a report (Word format) where will establish the information defined in the Planning tab as well as the data which correspond with the company audited and the data of the audit.
It appears 3 tabs inside each one of the audits generated: Planning, Controls and Audit report. These tabs allow you to manage information derived from the audit in question.

In the Planning tab, a new button has been included in the menu:
Copy scope: Its function is to copy the information that has been modified in the "Scope" field of this tab to the same field of the "Audit report" tab.

Within the Planning tab, the following options organized by sections are presented:
Preliminary Information
Code: It allows you to establish the codification which determines the appropriate audit defined in this option.
Name: It assigns a name to the audit in question.
Description: It allows you to define any additional information that you consider necessary for the audit.
Version: It allows you to establish the version of the information defined in the audit.
Expected completion date: It’s the date on which is planned to conduct the audit.
Implementation date: You can establish the implementation date of the audit.
Detailed information
Scope: It allows you to determine the scope to be audited of the standard.
Staff involved: It establishes the departments and staff which will be audited.
Audited Documentation: It allows you to determine or make a reference to all the documentation for the audit.
Audit Plan
This field determines the name of the audit plan or the location of the plan.

In the ‘Controls’ tab will appear all the controls or versions that represent the criteria which must comply to evince the compliance of the standard audited.
All the controls appear automatically according to the Management system which has been selected at the time of generating the specific audit. In the controls identified in the tab you can make references in the field ‘Auditor Observations’

The ‘Audit Report’ tab allows you to generate the report which corresponds with the audit conducted. This tab is divided in three different sections: ‘Data of the company that has been audited, Audit Data, and Assessments’. These sections allow you to register all the information that you need for generating perfectly the report of the audit conducted.
Company Data

This is the information that you can register through the section ‘Data of the company that has been audited’:
Organization: It allows you to establish the name of the organization on which the audit is conducted.
Address: It allows you to establish the address or addresses of the locations where the audit will be conducted.
Standard: It allows you to indicate the standard on which the audit is conducted.
Representative: It indicates the representative or coordinator of the management system which is being audited
Audited sites: It allows you to establish all the locations where the audit is being conducted.
Audit date: It defines the date of the audit.
Lead Auditor:' It assigns the lead auditor or coordinator of the audit which will be conducted or it is being performed.
Other members of the audit team: It allows you to determine if it was another auditor which has been a member in the audit conducted
Audit Data

This section determines all the input data which allow you to fix the scope of the audit as well as the data obtained after the realization of the audit. GlobalSUITE present the following options taking account the previous points:
Audit Objectives: It allows you to establish why the audit is being conducted and the purpose of the audit.
Scope: It allows you to determine all the things which have been checked in the audit.
Evidences: It allows you to summarize or number the deviations or non-compliances which have been detected during the audit.
Non-conformities: It indicates, details or summarizes all the non-conformities which have been detected during the audits
Observations: It allows you to indicate, to detail and to summarize those deviations which have been detected during the conducting of the audit.
Conclusions: It allows you to determine or establish the decisions of the auditor according to the audit conducted.
Audit Limitations: It indicates if there is a part of the Management System which cannot be audited or stays outside the audit for any circumstance.
Strenghts: It evinces all those strong points which have been stood out during the audit.
Improvements Points: It leaves a trace of all those recommendations or points to improve which mentioned by the Auditor according to the Management System audited.

This section allows you to link with the audit report generated, the management of the deviations and improvements which have been detected or identified during the audit.
NOTE: In the audit, which has been used in the images of the manual, appeared a non-conformity that was opened by the section of ‘Assessments’. This non-conformity will be managed with the option ‘Management’ of GlobalSUITE.
Audit Consolidation
The present option allows you to view briefly the different audits associated with the entity and subentities.

The functionalities of the available tables are developed below:
Services Table: Permite al usuario filtrar las auditorías asociados a los Servicios seleccionados.

Subentities Table: It offers the possibility of filtering the audits defined in the selected subentities.

Value/Tag Table It allows you to view the audits which are associated with a specific tag.

Once established the filter it's necessary to generate a consult, for this task there are the following options:
Consolidate: Once you click on the button and according to the established filter, this option allows you to view briefly the compliance audits of the lower table.
Back: It offers the possibility of returning to the initial audit list.
The results are shown on the lower table 'Consolidation Results'.

This is the information that the table provides:
Scope: It offers the possibility to view the entity or subentity on which the audit is associated
Audit date: It allows you to view the date on which the audit was carried out.
Name: It allows you to view the established name for the audit.
On site: It allows you to view if the audit was on site or off site.
Documental: It offers the possibility of viewing if there is documental record of the audit.
Status: It controls if the audits is planned, approved, finished, etc.