Cost Analysis
This option offers the possibility of associating different economical costs to the threats which have been valued in the tab ‘Risk Analysis’.
The bottom table shows a list of costs and economic losses for each one of the risk levels and the top table shows the list of assets and associated threats.
GlobalSUITE allows you to manage the option ‘Cost Analysis’ in this way:
Associate: It allows you to associate the costs to the threats of each one of the assets. For this task you have to select the specific cost of the bottom table, select the threat of the top table and click on the button ‘Associate’. GlobalSUITE calculates automatically the economic cost which is associated.
Disassociate: You can remove an association which is already fixed among cost and threat. For this you have to select the row or rows with the associated cost in the top table and click on the button ‘Disassociate’.
Show: It allows you to make a filter on the list of assets & threats. You can show all the list (Show all) or show solely those assets on which the threats overcome the Acceptable Risk Level.
Download: It allows you to download the list of threats and costs in an editable format (.docx)
NOTE: The list of costs is defined in the section ‘Administration/Risk Methodologies’