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The option of ‘Scope’ of the project allows you to define the initial requirements for establishing the scope of the project, coordinators, locations, etc.

In this section the user views a table where he can establish different scopes. E.g. For each type of systems, to update scopes during the life of the management system (leaving a record of the previous ones), etc.

To create a new scope you must select the button ‘Add’ and then will appear the new scope inside the table. To remove a scope you must select the row or rows that you want to remove and hereafter click on the button ‘Remove’.

To establish the details of one scope you must select the name of the scope directly. Once you have access to the details of the scope it appears a form where you can specify each one of the parameters.

The form allows you to define the following fields:

  • Name: Descriptive name of the scope. These names will appear in the initial table with the list of scopes.

  • Scope: This field includes the scope of the system and it will appear in the correspondent certificates..

  • Description: It allows you to develop the coverage of the scope at length.

  • SG: This is the Management System which applies the scope. It’s possible to have different scopes for each management system of the company.

NOTE: If the selected Management System is 'Business Continuity Management System', GlobalSUITE offers the possibility of limiting and justifying the services which will be in the scope according to the Business Impact Analysis previously performed.

  • Committee: In this section is specified the resources in the management system.

  • Management System Coordinator: It will be the coordinator of the management systems or the intermediary among the Direction and the Management Committee.

  • Departments It allows you to identify those departments which are involved inside the scope of the system and depending on the resources of the organization it will be necessary to specify whichever are.

  • Flowcharts: It exists two options to complete this section: .

    • Select location: it allows you to specify in the text field where is stored the file.

    • Upload file: If this option is selected you could attach the file with the flowchart of the organization for a better understanding of the scope. For this reason it will appear at the bottom of the page the option ‘Examine or select a file’ to upload. Once selected it’s necessary to click on the button ‘Upload’, when the upload is complete the file will appear in the table below.

NOTE: It’s only possible to upload one file. If you upload other file, the current flowchart will be removed.

  • Physical locations. It allows you to identify the locations, headquarters, delegations included in the scope.

  • Interfaces. When inside the scope all the organization is not involved, the involved departments must communicate with these parts, for example the communication among the System department with Human Resources (out of the scope). The last one must appear in this field.

  • Exclusions in the Scope. It will be the sections of the organization which are not included in the scope and the reason why are excluded.

  • Network diagram It allows you to indicate the network diagram involved inside the scope. The management of this field is exactly like the field ‘Flowchart’.

  • Stakeholders It allows to define the stakeholders that impact the scope of the project. The following actions are allowed:

    • Associate: If stakeholders have been previously defined from administration menu, it is possible to associate them to our scope using this button.

    • Remove: It allows to remove the row generated from stakeholders.

    • New Requirement: It is possible to associate requirements for each stakeholder, for this action, you have to select the stakeholder to which you want to associate the requirement and then click on this button to add the new requirement.

  • Context: It offers the possibility of establishing the context of the organization which can impact the project scope.

  • Management System Objective: It allows you to describe in detail the objective that will explain why the management system is being implemented.

  • Internal/External factors: It offers the possibility of indicating those internal or external elements which can impact to the scope of the management system.

  • Consequences: It allows you to describe the consequences of implementing the managament system according to the scope defined.

Scope consolidation

This option allows you to view briefly different scopes associated with the entity and subentities.

The functionalities of each one of the tables are developed below:

  • Services table: It allows the user to filter scopes associated with the selected services.

  • Subentities Table: It offers the possibility of filtering the scopes defined in the selected subentities.

  • Tag/Value tag: It allows you to view the scopes which have associated a specific tag.

  • Specific filters: It offers the possibility of viewing the scopes associated with one or several management systems.

Once established the filter, it's necessary to generate a consult, for this task there are the following options:

  • Consolidate: Once you click on the button and according to the filters, this option allows you to view briefly the scopes of the lower table.

  • Back: It offers the possibility of returning to the initial scope list.

The results are shown on the lower table 'Consolidation Results'

This is the information that the table provides:

  • Scope: It reports the name of the established scope.

  • MS: It allows you to view the management system on which the scope is associated.

  • Entity: It offers the possibility of viewing the entity or subentity on which the scope is associated.

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