Active Directory / LDAP
The synchronization of Active Directory or LDAP can be done in two different locations of software.
In the section Administration, and the option
In the section Management, and the option
In the top of the table inside the option Users Administration, you find the button Synchronize->Connect Active Directory.

Once you have clicked on the button, it will show an emergent window on which you can insert the user & password, and to connect with the Active Directory.

Once authenticated in the Active Directory, GlobalSUITE will show two tables, the left table will show the Active Directory user which was defined in the Configuration; and in the right table the users which have the Management System in GlobalSUITE. Furthermore, you can view the menu: 'Help'. This menu explains the correct working of the synchronization. The status of the Active Directory User regard to the system can be divided in New, Modified or Synchronized; represented by + or two arrows which form a circle and one tick respectively.

If you click on the button 'Synchronize', it's possible to synchronize the new user, the user that have been modified, the selected user or all users. In case it occurs an error in the synchronization due to an user which is repeated or the user limit has been exceeded, an emergent window will be shown with the notice. Once synchronized, it will appear the section 'Users' where you could check the correct synchronization of the users.

In the top of the table inside the option Employees Management, you can view the button Synchronize->Connect Active Directory

Once you have clicked on the button, it will show an emergent window on which you can insert the user & password, and you connect with the Active Directory.

Once authenticated in the Active Directory, it will be shown two tables, the left table will show the Active Directory user which was defined in the Configuration; and in the right table the users which have the Management System in GlobalSUITE. Furthermore, you can view the menu: 'Help'. This menu explains the correct working of the synchronization. The status of the Active Directory User regard to the system can be divided in New, Modified or Synchronized; represented by + or two arrows which form a circle and one tick respectively.

If you click on the button 'Synchronize', it's possible to synchronize the new user, the user that have been modified, the selected user or all the users.